Homemade Salsa

Its only appropriate that I add a Salsa recipe after my last blog on storing cilantro !! This would be a perfect gift. Its fast and easy and DELICOUS !! You can make this mild or spicy but either way, it will be great. Try this super simple and healthy recipe.


  • 4 lbs tomatoes
  • 1 large yellow onion, peeled
  • 1 green bell pepper
  • up to 3 small jalapeno peppers
  • 1 anaheim pepper 1 clove garlic
  • 1/3 bunch cilantro
  • 1 Tablespoon + 1 scant teaspoon salt
  • 1 Tablespoon + 1 scant teaspoon season salt
  • 1 Tablespoon + 1 scant teaspoon lemon juice (either fresh or bottled)
  • freshly ground black pepper

Core and roughly chop all produce. Remove seeds from peppers as desired. For milder salsa, remove all pepper seeds; for spicier salsa, leave some or all seeds in. Working in batches, use a food processor to chop tomatoes, onion, all peppers, garlic, and cilantro to desired size. I pulse mine until it’s just a little chunky. Pour salsa into a large bowl and add all seasoning and lemon juice. Refrigerate until needed. Makes 4-5 pints.salsa

DIY-Gift Idea-Coconut Rum Body Scrub

scrubThe basis for this recipe is super easy and very easy to tweak to your liking. I love making homemade gifts and I really love it when they are easy, the kids can help and I can make extra for me !! ☺ I found this on my all time favorite thing Pinterest and I had to add it to my gift list. I will be posting many more gift ideas to get us ready for the holiday season. Try this awesome recipe and Enjoy !!



  • 2 cups white sugar
  • 1 cup coconut oil (may need to soften in the microwave just a bit)
  • 6 Coconut Rum teabags (found at World Market or online)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 teaspoon honey

Add your sugar to a large mixing bowl. Open up the tea bags and stir in the contents. Add the softened coconut oil to the mixture and stir in the vanilla and honey. Wa-La !! That’s it !! Add this wonderful mixture to a beautiful jar and you have a fabulous gift for a special someone !!

DIY-Healing Salve

My girls know my mantra by heart….put some Shea Butter on it. For every bruise , cut,burn or scar you can use it for healing the skin. I ran across this amazing healing salve and I loved the idea of adding healing essential oils to the mix. This recipe calls for beeswax pastilles, but I would substitute for Shea butter. Check out this easy recipe !!

All Purpose Healing Salve Recipe:

1  Cup Organic Virgin Coconut Oil

1  Cup Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil

4  T. Beeswax Pastilles

1/2 t. vitamin e oil (optional)

To each jar add:

10  drops Lavender

8  drops Lemon

6  drops Melaleuca

1/2  teaspoon Vitamin e oil (optional)

Fills {4} – 4 oz glass mason jars or small glass jars of choice. Coconut oil is a natural moisturizer as well as antibacterial.  Olive oil has lots of anti-oxidants, including Hydroxytyrosol as well as anti-inflammatory properties.  Lavender soothes and heals, Lemon cleanses and disinfects while Melaleuca is antibacterial and antifungal!

Melt the coconut, olive oil and beeswax in a warm bath, stirring with a knife every few minutes until melted. This will take at least 15 min, you want a slow melt.

Add the essential oils to the empty jars and pour into glass jars of your choice and let cool. Put a paper towel over the jars while cooling and wait to cover with lids until completely cooled down.  Shelf life is approximately 8 months.

Thanks to Camp Wandersalve

Quick Breakfast smoothie

I am still working on getting my weight down and adding more healthy meals to my diet. I love quick and easy things and this recipe is just that. It has most ingredients that you will already have in your pantry and it tastes awesome !! Try it out and tell me what you think !!!


  • 1 cup strawberries
  • 1 banana
  • 1/2 cup oats
  • 1 tsp raw honey
  • 1/2 cup peanut butter
  • 1 cup almond milk

Handful of Ice Cubes

Blend and ENJOY !!smoothie

DIY-Body Wash with coconut oil

I absolutely love coconut oil, so when i found a recipe that incorporates that into a body wash I was so excited !! It’s a process to make it, but it’s not really that hard. The end result is a phenomenally hydrating wash, that will leave you fresh and glowing. I use glycerin a lot in my DIY so it’s a great product to have on hand at all times. Check out this easy recipe:

You’ll need:

1 bar of soap (Dr Bronner’s Castile is great)

1/2 tbsp glycerin

4 cups water

1/2 cup pure coconut oil


Grate your soap of choice with a cheese grater

Put your grated soap in a large pot with the water,coconut oil and glycerin

Heat on medium heat until all of the soap is dissolved

When the soap is dissolved the water will look like murky dish water

Turn the heat off and cover overnight to set

When you return to your soap it will be very thick and jelly like, use a mixer or wisk to mix the soap to a smooth consistency

You can add up to two cups of water to get it to the consistency you like ( I added one extra cup of water for my liking)

You can then leave the soap for another 12 hours to ensure it is the right thickness

Use a funnel to put the body wash in an appropriate container (It makes a lot so you may need one container to store it and one to use in the bathroom )

This body wash does not lather like regular body wash because we have taken out the harsh sudsing agents but it still works well and it is healthy and great for your skin !!


Quick and Easy Remedies for Cold and Flu

It’s that time of winter where we all know someone suffering from colds, flu or upper respiratory issues. If your like me, prescription and over the counter meds are not appealing because of all the reported side effects. I found that many home remedies are just as effective as these meds. Always consult your doctor before trying anything new especially if your on medication,but most of these remedies can be found in your cabinets and are safe and effective.

Cayenne pepper:

Cayenne can be added to drinks or taken in capsule form and is great for breaking up chest congestion, and shortening the duration of colds

Apple Cider Vinegar: Great for colds and flu.

Turmeric: This is a wonder herb with many other benefits but its great for colds.

This is a recipe that you can make with these ingredients at the first sign of a cold.

2 small or 1 large clove of smashed fresh garlic
1 rounded teaspoon of ground turmeric (organic works better),
As much cayenne as you can handle without burning yourself. You want it to really heat you up but not burn your stomach.
2 teaspoons Apple Cider Vinegar

Simmer the ingredients in 2 to 3 cups of water. You can then sip, gargle and steam your face in the concoction as you create it.

This is a great and natural way to bring relief from your cold and flu symptoms !!



EFT-Emotional Freedom Technique

Many years ago I had a friend who introduced me to EFT therapy. It was simple yet effective. It is an accupressure therapy that can help with food cravings, pain,negative emotions and just to feel better overall. During this busy time of year its a great time to take some time for yourself. This is a way you can reboot yourself and you can do it anytime, anywhere !! By using certain pressure points on your body, you basically tap the location while chanting a mantra of positivity. For example…. a proper EFT phrase will state, Even though I have (whatever issue you have) I deeply and completely love and except myself. Tap the location 5-10 times while stating the phrase, take deep breaths while tapping and keep water on hand. Closing your eyes helps you to stay centered and focused . You can use this technique as many times a day as you feel necessary to rid yourself of the issue. From headaches to emotional pain, EFT is a great technique that can help.

Example EFT Session:


The pressure points are as follows:

Top of the head: Use gentle pressure to tap with the tips of fingers using both hands

Eyebrow: Tap right above the hair of your eyebrows

Side of the eye: Tap at the temple with both hands

Under the eye: Tap gently under the bone with both hands

Under the nose: Tap gently under the nose with one hand

Chin: Tap gently with one hand

Collar bone: Tap gently with both hands under the clavicle bone

Under the arm: Tap gently with both hands at an angle to your sides at about 4 inches below your armpit

Wrists: Use wrist on wrist tapping

Side of Hand or Karate Chop point: Use four fingers to tap gently on this area




Fun ways to spice up your relationship

thCAASQFQIA relationship is one of the hardest and most fulfilling things that we can experience. To be able to follow your path as well as someone elses can be difficult but it can be done. A relationship is like a fire, it starts out burning bright and hot but the flames can die away if not properly fed. So here are a few ways to get that spark to keep it going !!

Sunset picnics


Breakfast in bed

Leave love notes on the mirror

Get tattoos

Plan a secret getaway to a hotel or Bed and Breakfast

Meditate together

Try Kama Sutra

Help your partner reach a dream goal

Make an “I Love You” CD

Give or schedule a massage

Write a heartfelt letter expressing your love and appreciation

Make a homemade Card

Make your partners favorite meal

Take the kids and allow your partner to have some alone time

Write a poem

Talk with your partner and listen

Rose petals on the bed for a romantic night

Invest in lingerie

Kiss,hold hands, hug everyday

Look into their eyes

Purchase their favorite meal

Make a vision board of where you want your lives to go

Go out and have a great night doing things you both love (bowling, clubbing, movies,plays,etc)

Plan a renewal of vows

Plan a second honeymoon

Make your own tradition that you do every month,or year that reminds you of how it was when you first got together

A relationship is  spiritual and physical , it takes work on the physical side and the spiritual side just flows. So you must work and flow to make it GLOW !!

DIY Holiday Gifts !!

This holiday season it will be a DIY Christmas. The kids go on Winter break and will be at home to help with all the gifts. I decided to make gifts for our family and friends because its fun, and you can give people a gift to pamper themselves that truly comes from the heart. I am the Shea Butter Queen so , along with hand mixed Shea butter they will also recieve……..Handmixed Sugar Body Scrubs !! These are so easy to make and they are very inexpensive. The ingredients are probably already in your cabinets , you’ll just have to purchase the containers or jars to put them in. We are going to use mason jars that you can find in your local grocery and put festive cupcake baking cups on the lids and tie it with a ribbon . I have several recipes that you can modify to fit the person you are gifting by adding essential oils. (And you can save some for youself for a day of  pampering !!)

Basic Recipe

You can use granulated, turbinado and/or brown sugar for your scrubs. (All found in your local grocery)

Coconut oil and/or almond oil,olive oil, grapeseed oil, sunflower, etc

1/2 cup Sugar (Granulated or Turbinado)

1/2 cup Brown Sugar

1/4 cup coconut oil

1/4 cup Olive oil (or any cold pressed oil)


Recipe 1


1/2 cup Sugar Granulated or Turbinado

1/2 cup Brown Sugar

1/4 cup Coconut Oil

1/4 cup Olive oil (or oil of your choice)

1 tsp. Pure Vanilla Extract

With Coconut at liquid form (room temp of slightly heated) Mix with Olive oil. Stir in sugar and vanilla. Add to Mason jar and cover tightly.


Recipe #2


1 cup Turbinado sugar (or granulated)

1/4 cup coconut oil

1/4 cup Olive oil (or oil of your choice)

1 Tbsp coarsely chopped fresh ginger

Heat coconut oil and ginger in a small saucepan over medium heat for about 5 minutes. This will allow the ginger to infuse into the oil. Allow the mixture to cool for a few minutes, strain through a mesh strainer or coffee filter to remove the ginger. Discard the ginger. Mix the warm coconut oil with the Olive oil. Add the sugar and stir well. Add to the mason jars and cover tightly.


You can also take the basic recipe and add these simple twists to make it unique and smell Yummy !!

Pumpkin Spice :1 tsp pumpkin pie spice

Apple Crisp:1 tsp apple pie spice

Ginger Citrus: Follow the above Coconut Ginger recipe and add 5-10 drops of citrus essential oil

Add 5-10 drops of these essential oils to make an awesome aromatherapy recipe:

Lavender, peppermint, rose, bergamot (men),cedar, or sage

There as so many ways to make this recipe your own !! Experiment , your gift will be loved and appreciated.




DIY Laundry Detergent

Im always looking for ways to save money and I get excited when a DIY method is the perfect way to go. I recently came across a DIY Laundry Detergent and of course I jumped at the chance to make it. It boasts a large amount of laundry done at a minimal price per load. I made this last night and would suggest wearing a mask or doing it in a well ventilated area because of the dust that rises when you mix it. You will need :

1 (4 lb 12 oz) Box of Borax– Found in the detergent aisle

1 (3 lb 7 oz) Box of Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda– Found in the detergent aisle

1 (3 lb) Container of OxyClean– Found in the detergent aisle. (This is optional but I highly recommend adding it)

2 (14.1 oz) Bars of Zote Soap– Found in the detergent aisle (I used Ivory Aloe and it worked just as well !! Easier to find as well)

1 (4 lb) Box of Arm & Hammer Baking Soda– Found in the cooking aisle (You could also get two 2 lb box, we couldn’t find the larger 4lb box when we went)

1-2 (55 oz) Bottle of Purex Crystals Fabric Softener– Found in the detergent aisle (This is 100% optional because the Ivory Aloe smells so good but it does say Natural on the bottleof Purex)

You can also use your favorite essential oils to make your laundry smell heavenly and to keep it green and natural.

Grate the soap with a cheese grater and mix all the ingredients together. All you need is a 1 to 2 tablespoons per load because of the phenomenal cleaning power !!