Happy New Year to YOU !!!!

As this year comes to a close, I look back on my past year with smiles, laughter, tears and an overwhelming sense of how I will make the coming new year different. I don’t like to make resolutions, but I do make a vision board that puts all my hopes, wishes, and dreams in one place. I know that there are things I need to work on, and I feel that as long as I continue working then I am making progress in the masterpiece that is my life. We are all beautiful pieces of art…in Progress. We get better everyday we awaken, every breath we take. Sometimes life can be hard, but we survive and we come out better and stronger than before. My goal is to shine brightly everyday so that my kids can reflect this shine and so we might spark the shine in someone else. So many people have lost the will to shine, thinking it will get them nowhere,but there is no harm in shining, it is our right as human beings. It is also our right to love ourselves and Love and accept our flaws and the flaws of others. We all have flaws but love of self and others makes those flaws irrelevant in the big scheme of things. If we don’t love ourselves first, then we look out onto the world with skewed vision. We travel the road with people who don’t love us, or themselves , We practice self hating actions (like addiction, hoarding,abuse). At some point we have to realize that before anyone can love us, truly love us….we must first love ourselves. Accept the flaws with grace, Heal the pain with help (professional counseling, journaling,drawing, crying, screaming ) and see the world with fresh eyes. There is beauty all around us from the sunrise and sunset to the laughter of a child and the song of a bird. We are all made with a purpose….find yours…..You are worth it. My blessing for myself and you in the coming New Year is to


Peace Blessings Love and Light EarthStars

How to make HEALTHY Hot Chocolate at home


It’s that time of year where the weather is cold and blustery and the kids are home on winter break. I looked all over for a recipe for a healthy hot chocolate that we could make ourselves and would be perfect for our lactose intolerant household. I didn’t find one but my research led me to some pretty interesting ways to make it. We use liquid almond milk in our cooking and cereal but most hot cocoa recipes called for powdered milk. Since that was out of the question I looked up powdered milk substitutes and found a plethora of ways to get around this dilemma. Some Vegan forms of powdered milk are Coconut milk powder, rice milk powder, potato milk powder, and almond milk powder. I am an avid label reader so make sure to read the label to make sure there is no milk, casein or cream to ensure it is truly vegan and dairy free.

Here is our recipe for Truly Healthy Hot Chocolate

2 cups powdered Milk substitute of your choice
2/3 cup Stevia
2/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder

You can also add 2 teaspoons of ground cinnamon to spice up this recipe

Store  in an airtight container and mix 1/4 cup with hot water in a mug to create this great winter treat



Years ago as I was studying and experimenting with different holistic approaches to  my personal health I ran across information on Dry Brushing. Basically you brush your skin while it is dry and it removes dead surface skin cells, eliminates toxins by stimulating the blood flow, unclogs your pores and makes it easier for your healthy healing skin treatments (like shea butter) to nourish and moisturize your skin. It also helps to get rid of cellulite (bonus !!!) You can perform this once a day to see all the benefits that it can offer (or up to twice a day if you prefer) Your skin will glow and as the largest organ on our body, perform better. As we go about our daily lives and run into pollutants in the air and toxins we ingest, this is a great way to slough off all the unwanted impurities and start fresh. For the best benefits always brush in the direction of the heart.  When you have finished brushing, follow up with a warm shower or bath , rinse with cool water and apply your favorite moisturizer (again shea butter is awesome !! )

To start you will need……

A natural bristle brush with a long handle (Makes it easier to reach all those hard to reach places like your back )

Starting at the sole of your feet brush gently to cover the entire sole

Gently brush the top of your foot working your way up to the ankle and then the knee.

Starting at knee gently brush up. On the inner thigh use gentle strokes because this is a delicate area.

On outer thigh (where cellulite often appears) brush gently in an upward motion.

Repeat on other leg

Using gentle strokes on the torso making sure to brush over the liver (on the left side of your body under the breast bone) The liver is the bodys detoxifier and dry brushing help to eliminate the toxins

Finish off by brushing the arms and hands always in the direction of your heart

Having a refreshing glass of filtered or distilled water is a great way to make sure you thoroughly rid your body of any excess impurities.

Essential Crystals for Health,Power and Well Being

Just as herbs and oil are essential to health and well being, so are crystals. I have bracelets that I wear everyday that help with chakra balancing as well as emotional well being and to block negativity. Crystal must be cleaned and cleared of negative energy and you can do this by sitting them in a glass of salt water in a window on a full moon, burn sage over them or leave them in the moonlight. You can wear these stones or have them separate in tumbled stone form.
Here are a few of my favorites:


  • Lucky “Merchant’s Stone”
  • Encourages self-confidence
  • Helps overcome depression
  • Fortifies the nerves, digestion
  • Brings Good Luck
  • Balances the solar plexus chakra


  • Fortifies your individuality
  • Enhances regeneration
  • Increases enthusiasm
  • Alleviates pain
  • Brings Good Luck
  • Balances the Heart Chakra


  • Spiritual insight
  • Promotes a sense of good judgment
  • Provokes honesty
  • Encourages a quiet and calm mind
  • Aids in meditation to find deep inner peace
  • Comfort at times of loss or grief
  • Aids dreaming, inspiration and intuition
  • Helps balance the crown (brow) chakra

Crystal Quartz:

  • Amplifies the intensity of other stones
  • Supplies strength and energy
  • Encourages clarity of mind
  • Improves perception and understanding
  • Natural crystal quartz is used for balancing all chakras

Lapis Lazuli:

  • Reveals Truth
  • Increases your inner vision
  • Opens Chakra Centers
  • Helps you to control conflicts
  • Friendship stone
  • Balances the Throat Chakra and Crown Chakra


  • Brings good fortune, passionate love
  • Assists in foretelling the future
  • Enhances intuition
  • Can reunite quarrelling lovers
  • Brings success in love as well as business matters
  • Protection stone
  • Balances the Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra

Tigers Eye:

  • Combines earth energy with the sun
  • Grounding stone
  • Balances the lower chakras
  • Heals self-criticism and self-worth problems
  • Aids in recognition of your creative talents
  • Assists an addictive personality to make changes for the better


  • Stimulate imagination
  • Develop enthusiasm and thus, new ideas
  • To see more clearly in meditation


  • Brings a care free, sunny disposition
  • Promotes good luck and success
  • Dissolves oppositionsHealers use it for:
  • stomach, spleen and kidney complaints
  • joint problems
  • teething pain in babies


Quick and Easy Remedies for Cold and Flu

It’s that time of winter where we all know someone suffering from colds, flu or upper respiratory issues. If your like me, prescription and over the counter meds are not appealing because of all the reported side effects. I found that many home remedies are just as effective as these meds. Always consult your doctor before trying anything new especially if your on medication,but most of these remedies can be found in your cabinets and are safe and effective.

Cayenne pepper:

Cayenne can be added to drinks or taken in capsule form and is great for breaking up chest congestion, and shortening the duration of colds

Apple Cider Vinegar: Great for colds and flu.

Turmeric: This is a wonder herb with many other benefits but its great for colds.

This is a recipe that you can make with these ingredients at the first sign of a cold.

2 small or 1 large clove of smashed fresh garlic
1 rounded teaspoon of ground turmeric (organic works better),
As much cayenne as you can handle without burning yourself. You want it to really heat you up but not burn your stomach.
2 teaspoons Apple Cider Vinegar

Simmer the ingredients in 2 to 3 cups of water. You can then sip, gargle and steam your face in the concoction as you create it.

This is a great and natural way to bring relief from your cold and flu symptoms !!



EFT-Emotional Freedom Technique

Many years ago I had a friend who introduced me to EFT therapy. It was simple yet effective. It is an accupressure therapy that can help with food cravings, pain,negative emotions and just to feel better overall. During this busy time of year its a great time to take some time for yourself. This is a way you can reboot yourself and you can do it anytime, anywhere !! By using certain pressure points on your body, you basically tap the location while chanting a mantra of positivity. For example…. a proper EFT phrase will state, Even though I have (whatever issue you have) I deeply and completely love and except myself. Tap the location 5-10 times while stating the phrase, take deep breaths while tapping and keep water on hand. Closing your eyes helps you to stay centered and focused . You can use this technique as many times a day as you feel necessary to rid yourself of the issue. From headaches to emotional pain, EFT is a great technique that can help.

Example EFT Session:


The pressure points are as follows:

Top of the head: Use gentle pressure to tap with the tips of fingers using both hands

Eyebrow: Tap right above the hair of your eyebrows

Side of the eye: Tap at the temple with both hands

Under the eye: Tap gently under the bone with both hands

Under the nose: Tap gently under the nose with one hand

Chin: Tap gently with one hand

Collar bone: Tap gently with both hands under the clavicle bone

Under the arm: Tap gently with both hands at an angle to your sides at about 4 inches below your armpit

Wrists: Use wrist on wrist tapping

Side of Hand or Karate Chop point: Use four fingers to tap gently on this area




Fun ways to spice up your relationship

thCAASQFQIA relationship is one of the hardest and most fulfilling things that we can experience. To be able to follow your path as well as someone elses can be difficult but it can be done. A relationship is like a fire, it starts out burning bright and hot but the flames can die away if not properly fed. So here are a few ways to get that spark to keep it going !!

Sunset picnics


Breakfast in bed

Leave love notes on the mirror

Get tattoos

Plan a secret getaway to a hotel or Bed and Breakfast

Meditate together

Try Kama Sutra

Help your partner reach a dream goal

Make an “I Love You” CD

Give or schedule a massage

Write a heartfelt letter expressing your love and appreciation

Make a homemade Card

Make your partners favorite meal

Take the kids and allow your partner to have some alone time

Write a poem

Talk with your partner and listen

Rose petals on the bed for a romantic night

Invest in lingerie

Kiss,hold hands, hug everyday

Look into their eyes

Purchase their favorite meal

Make a vision board of where you want your lives to go

Go out and have a great night doing things you both love (bowling, clubbing, movies,plays,etc)

Plan a renewal of vows

Plan a second honeymoon

Make your own tradition that you do every month,or year that reminds you of how it was when you first got together

A relationship is  spiritual and physical , it takes work on the physical side and the spiritual side just flows. So you must work and flow to make it GLOW !!

DIY Holiday Gifts !!

This holiday season it will be a DIY Christmas. The kids go on Winter break and will be at home to help with all the gifts. I decided to make gifts for our family and friends because its fun, and you can give people a gift to pamper themselves that truly comes from the heart. I am the Shea Butter Queen so , along with hand mixed Shea butter they will also recieve……..Handmixed Sugar Body Scrubs !! These are so easy to make and they are very inexpensive. The ingredients are probably already in your cabinets , you’ll just have to purchase the containers or jars to put them in. We are going to use mason jars that you can find in your local grocery and put festive cupcake baking cups on the lids and tie it with a ribbon . I have several recipes that you can modify to fit the person you are gifting by adding essential oils. (And you can save some for youself for a day of  pampering !!)

Basic Recipe

You can use granulated, turbinado and/or brown sugar for your scrubs. (All found in your local grocery)

Coconut oil and/or almond oil,olive oil, grapeseed oil, sunflower, etc

1/2 cup Sugar (Granulated or Turbinado)

1/2 cup Brown Sugar

1/4 cup coconut oil

1/4 cup Olive oil (or any cold pressed oil)


Recipe 1


1/2 cup Sugar Granulated or Turbinado

1/2 cup Brown Sugar

1/4 cup Coconut Oil

1/4 cup Olive oil (or oil of your choice)

1 tsp. Pure Vanilla Extract

With Coconut at liquid form (room temp of slightly heated) Mix with Olive oil. Stir in sugar and vanilla. Add to Mason jar and cover tightly.


Recipe #2


1 cup Turbinado sugar (or granulated)

1/4 cup coconut oil

1/4 cup Olive oil (or oil of your choice)

1 Tbsp coarsely chopped fresh ginger

Heat coconut oil and ginger in a small saucepan over medium heat for about 5 minutes. This will allow the ginger to infuse into the oil. Allow the mixture to cool for a few minutes, strain through a mesh strainer or coffee filter to remove the ginger. Discard the ginger. Mix the warm coconut oil with the Olive oil. Add the sugar and stir well. Add to the mason jars and cover tightly.


You can also take the basic recipe and add these simple twists to make it unique and smell Yummy !!

Pumpkin Spice :1 tsp pumpkin pie spice

Apple Crisp:1 tsp apple pie spice

Ginger Citrus: Follow the above Coconut Ginger recipe and add 5-10 drops of citrus essential oil

Add 5-10 drops of these essential oils to make an awesome aromatherapy recipe:

Lavender, peppermint, rose, bergamot (men),cedar, or sage

There as so many ways to make this recipe your own !! Experiment , your gift will be loved and appreciated.




DIY Laundry Detergent

Im always looking for ways to save money and I get excited when a DIY method is the perfect way to go. I recently came across a DIY Laundry Detergent and of course I jumped at the chance to make it. It boasts a large amount of laundry done at a minimal price per load. I made this last night and would suggest wearing a mask or doing it in a well ventilated area because of the dust that rises when you mix it. You will need :

1 (4 lb 12 oz) Box of Borax– Found in the detergent aisle

1 (3 lb 7 oz) Box of Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda– Found in the detergent aisle

1 (3 lb) Container of OxyClean– Found in the detergent aisle. (This is optional but I highly recommend adding it)

2 (14.1 oz) Bars of Zote Soap– Found in the detergent aisle (I used Ivory Aloe and it worked just as well !! Easier to find as well)

1 (4 lb) Box of Arm & Hammer Baking Soda– Found in the cooking aisle (You could also get two 2 lb box, we couldn’t find the larger 4lb box when we went)

1-2 (55 oz) Bottle of Purex Crystals Fabric Softener– Found in the detergent aisle (This is 100% optional because the Ivory Aloe smells so good but it does say Natural on the bottleof Purex)

You can also use your favorite essential oils to make your laundry smell heavenly and to keep it green and natural.

Grate the soap with a cheese grater and mix all the ingredients together. All you need is a 1 to 2 tablespoons per load because of the phenomenal cleaning power !!

Have you tried these oils yet ?

I love all different kinds of oils. From essential oils that have beneficial aromatherapy properties to oils that are good for you from the inside out. I have compiled a list of oils that I always have in my home that I love !! Some are exotic and some you can get  at your local whole foods market, but all are worth their weight in gold for making us healthy !!

Coconut Oil:

The health benefits of coconut oil include hair care, skin care, stress relief, maintaining cholesterol levels, weight loss, increased immunity, proper digestion and metabolism, relief from kidney problems, heart diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, HIV and cancer, dental care, and bone strength. These benefits of oil can be attributed to the presence of lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid, and its properties such as antimicrobial, antioxidant, antifungal, antibacterial and soothing properties.Coconut oil is very useful in reducing weight. It contains short and medium-chain fatty acids that help in taking off excessive weight.Hence, people living in tropical coastal areas, who eat coconut oil daily as their primary cooking oil, are normally not fat, obese or overweight.

Monoi Oil:

Means”sweet scented oil”in Maohi,the ancient traditional language of the French
Polynesians.The secret of Monoi de Tahiti lies in the delicate 100% natural
blend that is extracted from the rich Tahitian Tumu Ha’ari (Cocos Nucifera) palm
tree and from the local “Tiaré” (Gardenia Tahitensis) flowers.Together they
create a rich emollient moisturizer that penetrates quickly into the skin and
acts as a natural barrier against dehydration,which is a major cause of
wrinkles.You’ll love the remarkable multi-purpose natural properties of Monoi de
Tahiti.You’ll also enjoy the immediate results of Monoi de Tahiti,even after the
very first use.A few drops deep-moisturize and re-hydrate instantly the driest
skin.When applied as a pre-shampoo hair repair treatment,Monoi de Tahiti
restores a lustrous shine to dry or even badly damaged chemically processed

Argan Oil:

Argan tree is an endemic tree found in Morocco. This tree also grows sparingly in certain regions of Algeria and Israel. The green nuts produced by this tree makes it so special and sought after. These green nuts are used to extract argan oil. This oil is one of the rare types of oil. The production of this oil is limited to just a few regions where these trees grow.

Argan oil comes loaded with essential fatty acids like linoleic acid, which is the precursor for vitamin E. This makes it well-known for its anti-aging, moisturizing and antioxidant properties. It has been scientifically proved that this oil is able to correct the age related deficiencies in skin that causes dehydration and loss of skin elasticity. It is found to contain 700 mg per kilogram of tocopherols that is twice the amount found in olive oil. This oil is a natural antioxidant and can stimulate intracellular oxygenation. This helps neutralize the free radicals and protects the soft tissue. The nutrient content of the skin is restored with the help of topical application. It also has vitamin A, omega 6 and 9 unsaturated fatty acids. These components further add to the antioxidant factor. There are many argan oil benefits that help cure a number of skin, hair and other medical ailments. Let us have a look at them in the following paragraphs.

Olive Oil:

In countries like Greece, Italy and Spain, olive oil benefits aren’t surprising. These countries know the beneficial effects olive oil has on high blood cholesterol levels, cardiovascular diseases, earaches, constipation, stomach upset, dry skin and stretch marks.Ancient civilization used olive oil to heal wounds. Today it is considered a good remedy for skin problems and an effective moisturizer.Taken internally, olive oil stimulates metabolism, promotes digestion and lubricates mucous membranes. It can also be applied externally to treat dry skin. Warm olive oil applied to the skin and help relieve internal or external inflammation caused by an injury or disease.

Tea Tree Oil:

Tea tree oil is a natural antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-infection oil. It is effective against nail fungus, ringworm, athlete’s foot, dandruff, acne and many types of infestations including lice, mites and scabies.Tea tree oil is not just soothing and disinfecting, it is capable of penetrating into the lower skin layers with its anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, analgesic (pain killing) and cicatrizant (wound-healing) qualities. It helps the skin to heal by encouraging the formation of scar tissue.

Black Seed Oil:

Native throughout many parts of Asia, Africa and the Arab world, Nigella sativa, or black seed oil, has been used traditionally to treat high blood pressure, allergies and inflammatory conditions. One of its main components, thymoquinone, is responsible for many of the seeds benefits.Black seed oil is used for numerous other conditions, including rheumatism and other back problems, diabetes, coughs, colds diarrhea, headaches, fatigue and impotency, per the Muslim Health Network. The seeds were used traditionally in Roman cooking, and can be dried and used in place of dill.

Anise Oil:

Anise oil is known for its antiseptic and astringent properties. Thus, massaging your body with it every once in a while will give it a toning effect and help in reducing any kind of fungal infections.
Bergamot Oil:
This natural resource of alpha hydroxy acid, which heals damaged skin and reduces inflammation of any kind. This oil is largely used in body washes. However, adding a few drops of bergamot essential oil not only soothes your skin, but also your mind.